Monday, March 13, 2017

MODAS solution closes the homework gap...

A recent FCC decision to put subsidized broadband expansion on hold to clean up existing fraud and abuse through the Lifeline program is leaving millions of low income families without internet access. However, there is a solution with MODAS to deliver digital equity to students and it’s beginning in Texas.

Within secondary education (K-12), it’s estimated that 30% of students do not have internet access outside of the classroom. As it appears in the near term, subsidized broadband for the financially disadvantaged, school kids included, is indefinitely out of reach because of another broken government program. Low income students are being left behind due to technological advancements in the classroom and no broadband at home. Text books are transforming into digital format, lesson plans are digital and homework is completed/submitted electronically. If you are a student without internet how do you complete your homework or a research project, book report…etc.? I hear routinely that “our kids go to "McDonalds" for internet.” Not to knock the “Golden Arches,” but is McDonalds really a viable “homework gap” strategy or a reasonable place for students to concentrate on learning? Many students need more than Chromebooks or iPads, they also need data plans in order to keep from falling behind. There are non-profit programs for broadband directed at low income families, though they are often attached to qualification processes that can be obstacles for obtaining service, particularly when connected to credit history or other residential stability requirements.
MODAS believes the power to deliver digital equity should reside in the hands of the school or school district. Our managed service accomplishes just that. We’ve developed a unique program that delivers public sector (CL) pricing for wireless service to employees and then leverage wireless carrier incentives and other funding mechanisms to reduce, even eliminate the homework gap. Best of all, the program is managed by MODAS but the funding benefit that’s created is administered by the school to close the “homework gap” or allocated toward other needful programs.

If your school or district is struggling to close the homework gap or you would like to provide the lowest pricing for wireless service and create funding – contact MODAS at We will customize a program that produces results based on your school district's needs.

MODAS Systems, Inc. is based in Dallas, Texas and specializes in Billing, Tax & Compliance As a Service. MODAS was recognized by CIO Review as one of the “20 most promising” IoT solution providers for 2017.
#homeworkgap, #digitaldivide, #digitalequity, #fundingforeducation

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